Entering Chicago for our fun-filled trip!
Hey hey girl! Who is that in the mirror?
The whole group at the big mirrored bean in The Park!
This multi-million dollar bean provided a lot of amusement.
This multi-million dollar bean provided a lot of amusement.
Heading back to the church van after traipsing around trying to
find a Starbucks.
find a Starbucks.
My very favorite animal in the zoo! Isn't she beautiful?
If I wasn't so into art I might consider working with animals like this!
If I wasn't so into art I might consider working with animals like this!
Got back from Chicago last night! It was such a great trip!
Other than the people, my favorite part of the trip was the zoo. We looked at every single animal there and then went over to the conservatory that had a whole room dedicated to orchids. My favorite were the seals (above) and there was a huge polar bear that was so great. Also, the giraffes. I forget how amazing giraffes are!
The planetarium was super great also! Well, except for the 3-D movie about The Great Observatories of theWorld or something like that. . .I wouldn't have minded it if it was an exhibit or something . . . but why waste the 3-D technology on observatories when there is space? Anyway, the Imax movie we watched was good. It was narrated by Whoopi Goldberg and there was a bit about the Big Bang (which didn't impress me) but the images of the stars and space were so stunning.
Dad said we can get a dog. Finally. I'm so ready.
Okay, I'm going to go outside because it's soooo beautiful!