August 21, 2009

Hey, I'm a Goat.

Bus #5 has no problem with driving on the wrong side of a country road.
I would know.
It almost hit me on my way to work.
I almost got hit by a flipping bus.
That's freaky.
I passed it again today.
I hope this doesn't become a trend.
I may change my route to work.

I looked into a blue glass orb that I was selling to an old lady at work. You know, those ones you put on pedestals in your front yard? Well, I looked at myself in that silly lawn orb. I look terrible in blue glass lawn orb reflections. It's awful, really.

My current art project is a combined pastel, charcoal, and india ink of Mother Teresa. My art class this year is self-directed. And, I am really enjoying it so far. Next project-- burning maps, glueing pieces of the charred mess together, mod-podging it, and painting something on it.

I'm drinking Diet Dr. Pepper right now. It's my very favorite soda in the entire earth.
My favorite tea is Irish Breakfast.
My favorite coffee is from Honduras or Kenya. I can't decide.
My favorite juice is white grape.
My favorite Gatorade is the light purple kind.
My favorite water is clear.

Oh, and I hate the way guys call me "babe". I got that from a guy that came into the store today. He was very much high. And, he was very much not respectful at all to me. And, another guy stood in by the candles and smiled at me for a couple of minutes. I prentended to be busy with something under the counter. He eventually got tired of smiling, I suppose. I peeked up and he was gone.

Mmmmm...creepy men...

This has been yet again, another pointless posting from Melly.

1 comment:

keep it classy, folks.