September 22, 2009

The Queen of Hearts

I love candles. I have probably five in my room--all different scents. I never burn them all at the same time, but they are always there in the case that I must burn them.

Sleep has not been happening for me lately. But, when it does I have the strangest and most vivid dreams ever. I had a dream a couple nights ago that I had to make frames for my work, and if I stopped for any reason I would be fired. Unfortunately, I really had to throw up...but, I couldn't stop to throw up or I would lose my job. So, I continued to make frames.

I suddenly woke up and sat up in bed. Then, I jumped out of bed and started breathing really heavily because I felt like I was about to throw up everywhere.

One time my brother and I were sleeping in the living room. I woke up to him beating me on the back because I was throwing up all over the floor. It scared him half to death. It scared me too. I had been dreaming that I was throwing up, dying and no one was saving me.

I don't like the fact that my dreams kind of force their way into my reality.

And I really hate to puke. I puke like the flipping exorcist girl...and my body will hurt for days.

Now, I must leave to work on some sketches for an art portfolio I really need to get finished. They are inspired by Alice in Wonderland.

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