November 21, 2009

Productivity is hard thing do sometimes!

Did you know that 33% of all Americans sneeze when they walk into the sun?

I'm one of those Americans.

I also sneeze when I look at the sun.

And did you know that the orange and yellow ladybugs aren't really ladybugs at all?

They are Japanese beetles! Imposters!

Ugh, it's a Saturday morning and I don't have anything to do today. Laundry is done, my room is relatively clean, coffee is made, and I have no homework.

So, I think I might go to Wal-Mart to get stuff to start making Christmas presents, or I might go outside and have a photography day. Either one would be wonderful. Then, tonight I'm going to la casa de Parsley por white flipping chili. Pretty much the best soup in the entire world.

Did you know that Curt Parsley is an amazing cook?

Now you do!

And did you know that it's a beautiful Saturday and I'm wasting it by sitting on my bottom in front of this laptop?

It's true.



  1. Thanks for the compliment. I love cooking and entertaining folks. I think it's my creative outlet.

  2. Oh yeah, and I love you. Oh wait, I forgot to give you a hug...


keep it classy, folks.