April 20, 2010

The acrylic gnome on my floor.

I got Toms for prom.

Prom Tom Tom-Tom-Tom Tom's (do that in tune of the Thong Song).

They are silver and sparkly and I feel like Edward when I wear them.......oh let's pretend I didn't just reference Twilight....mehh....

Stephanie Meyer will be getting zero credit in my blog.

But J. K. Rowling can have all the blog love she wants.

Team Rowling.

Okay. Enough silliness. On to the important things that don't involve teenage crazes over fictional vampires and wizards. Although, the wizards are much better. I mean come on, vampire= cold, potentially dangerous, and overactive sense of smell OR wizard=apparate, cool white owls, always can make things appear like chocolate when you are especially craving it.

Think about it.

I have a sudden need for a roadtrip. Well, not so sudden. That was a complete lie. I've been thinking about the roadtrip thing for quite a while actually. Or, the zoo. I really really really want to go to the zoo.

I was watching that Life show and there were some incredibly fluffy Himalayan monkeys and I thought to myself:
"Hey self?"
"Hey me? What?"
"You know what would make our life so much better right now?"
"Well, yes. But, besides that."
"Nothing's better than coffee."
"Oh, myself. I am a genius."
"Aww, thank me!"

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