August 5, 2010

Educational Material Fee Invoice

I don't even know what day it's either Thursday or Wednesday, aye?

Summer is eating at my brain, and I love it.

I got my class schedule:
1. Advanced Art
2. Advanced Psychology
3. Ceramics
4. English 12 Lit/Comp
5. Economics/Government
6. Calculus
7. Textiles/Fashion

Ummm...yeah. The first three classes and the last I'm all over it. I wish I could just skip 4, 5, and 6.....especially Calculus. Mr. Kearns is a wonderful teacher and he really cares but I really don't care about Calculus. I'm fully aware of the fact that I'm never going to use it. Some people will, but I'm not that person.

Yesterday I was talking to my mother on the phone and we were talking about how much I can't stand high school and how I don't feel like I belong there blah blah blah. . . .then we got to the subject of math and how much I abhor it also.

Then my mom says "I have a secret. I used to always convince you that math was fun and girls could do math...but in high school I read books during math."

She said it in a tone like she was about to tell me she stole the Statue of Liberty or was confessing she was a serial killer. I told her I read during classes too....and then I proceeded to crack up.

I still don't understand the whole thing about how "girls can do math too....". My mom is kind of a feminist. It's true. She wants to change Mother's Day to Women's Day because not all women have children and they work hard too.

I'm such a dissapointment because I'm not a feminist at mom is hilarious. I love her.


  1. i like the idea of making mother's day a women's day.

    i actually think it's a great idea!

    love your post dear

  2. i will have to tell my mother you said that!
    she would love you forever haha
    and thank you :)


keep it classy, folks.