November 26, 2010
Mimi and Pops are coming to town!
Because they understand the importance of
a) Disney
b) pajamas
c) the combination of both Disney and pajamas
So, in a bit we are going to see the new Disney Rapunzel movie (pictured left) in our pajamas. I have all new pajamas for the occasion.
My Mimi bought be a purple button-up flannel nightgown with owls all over it. I'm tempted to wear it to school . . . I suppose I should bring up a Pajama Day for the next Spirit Week in the next Student Council meeting, eh?
Well, my Thanksgiving was more than swell. I hope yours was also! I had three Thanksgivings this year: one with friends, one at my aunts, and one at the Burris household.
I will not eat for another year.
That's totally a lie. My Mimi took us out to eat today.
But, I slightly love the occasional melodrama.
This upcoming weekend I'm going to the Nutcracker Ballet at Butler University with four of my favorite women in my life: Rebecca Burris, Maddie Burris, Kedra Burris, and Laura Barlow. And, you want to know something so insanely exciting that I can hardly contain my joy and I want to spin around and shriek a little?
Lester got us tickets that are only SEVEN rows away from the orchestra and stage! Mehhhhh . . . so good!
You know what I love?
Martha Stewart's website.
Peace out lovely readers who I could probably name off.
November 21, 2010
We will miss you Dobby.
Those are the tee-shirts I made.
I put entirely too much effort into them.
You know what the best part of getting to see Harry Potter was? I watched it in Nashville!
This means I got to see Caroline, Lukey, and Nikki. I also got to go to Sanctuary which is always uplifting and makes me feel so peaceful and happy. It's a really great thing they've got going.
Friday I got to sit in a surface design class in the new Art/Engineering building at Lipscomb. That building is legit. It's perfect. It's got so much sunlight coming in and it's so white and bright. I can't wait to take classes there, I will be soooo happy.
Let me tell you something. I love Lipscomb. You will probably want to punch me if I keep talking about it, but I can't stop. I just adore it. I can't wait to take classes, live in the dorm room, complain about food, and wait in line at Starbucks and Seattle's Best. I can't wait to not make my bed, skip showers, go to chapel, and walk to class in the rain and complain about it. College life is something I've been craving for a long time now.
I mean, I'm aware that getting to college doesn't mean that my life will magically become perfect. I still have a lot to work through and a lot to tackle. I just can't wait for this next chapter in my life.
But, let's not wish our lives away.
November 16, 2010
Skittles Crazy Cores
That is a resulting photo. I failed at making a kissy face. I look . . . well I have no idea what kind of face that is.
I have fallen in love with a very endearing, quirky freshman girl in my last period class, Fashion. She cracks me up.
The thing is, the girl's in the class (whom I love) all treat me so funny. They complement all the time, like I'm some strange breed of girl.
Dedra Dille, who I used to ride the bus with told me that I talked and dressed differently, but I'm normal. It was in an incredulous tone. It made me laugh.
Back to Kim! This is the song she wrote about me yesterday:
"Hey Melissa,
This is your song . . .
She sits two seats down.
Never wearing a frown.
It's that Wilson girl with her hair in curls.
Wearin dresses all day cuz she likes it that way.
Who needs shoes?
Melissa's feet are nude.
Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
She likes belts over her clothes and slips on her feet.
Yeah, she is the one you want to meet.
MELISSA! (scream)
Oh melissa. (whisper)
. . .she grabbed my rump . . .
oh melissa (whisper)
This songs for yooouuu.
Oh what would I doooo?
Without melissa!"
Thank you Kim!
Oh, this girl got her cartilage pierced.
The lady told us it was twenty dollars, and she seemed so suprised when Jocelyn and I both handed over twenty dollars. She meant twenty dollars combined.
We were swindled.
November 12, 2010
This girl got accepted!
So, you will imagine how insanely excited I am right now?
When I first saw it I couldn't breathe.
Then, I screamed. And screamed. And screamed.
Then, I called people and texted and texted and called.
Oh, happy day. You cannot believe how excited I am.
I need to go gallop around my house.
November 10, 2010
Picture this.
I'm super proud of it. I really adore the Mother.
I changed the blog for the last time, if you don't like it let me know! I'm not technologically advanced and I think there may be some problems with it. Just let me know, eh?
You will notice the added Mr. T quote of the day.
Yeah, it's exciting. I'm aware.
We are doing a comparative critique over Stanley Milgram and two other author's who DO NOT support his experiments. I'm really enjoying it. It's super interesting.
I don't think that the experiment can be compared to the obedience that happened in Hitler's Germany, I think it is more of a study of situational obedience. But, that's just me. I mean, come on. The SS and the Nazi's viewed the people they were murdering as lowly and not worth consideration. They viewed their leader's as correct and wanted to follow them. In Milgram's experiment the subject's did not want to hurt the "students" and they had not reason to trust the experimenter and they had no direct escape route.
Maybe I'm getting too into this project. Or, maybe I'm not in it enough. I'm really interested in it.
Also, in an experiment aren't you supposed to be testing? What exactly was Milgram testing?
He was more of a dramatic than a scientist. And, that's fine with me.
It's interesting all the same.
My fish is still alive, just so you know.
Long live Albus.
November 6, 2010
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Not putting in the effort.
Also, no one wrote back last post, so this is the new blog style and I'm quite happy with it.
Saturday morning.
Lizzy, Kaitlyn, Jocelyn, and Slone are over.
500 Days of Summer.
Laying all over my livingroom with the fireplace going.
At least eight blankets and 7 pillows chilling all over.
It's freezing face outside.
Dad is raking leaves.
Asks if we want him to order pizza.
The answer is yes.
I heard my phone go off forever ago.
Never checked it.
Blues Brother's bobble head on the shelf next to the fireplace.
As is a bowl I made in Ceramics.
November 3, 2010
November 2, 2010
I really need to shave my legs.
Monday was kind of a mental health day, I didn't sleep at all Sunday night and I was super sore from being cold all night. . . so I took the day off. I only planned on being late, but I thought, "What the hey. I'm not missing anything."
So, I hung out in Gary's office.
Well, karma was feeling extra sinister.
Last night I legitimately did not sleep at all because I was fighting back the urge to throw up. I lost the battle at 4:30 this morning and ran to the bathroom.
I will do all I can to not throw up. I think it's the most awful thing ever. And, in the very off chance that I actually do throw up I'm emotionally scarred for about a 24 hour period.
You may wonder why I put a photo of myself up. I don't take photos of myself, but I was playing around with my new camera. The screen flips out, so you can see. This was a result of me playing with that. I found it extremely humorous and thought I should share it.
I obviously wasn't worried about smiling or even making a normal face. I was too bust looking insanely perplexed about the flip-out screen on black and white mode.
I am so sick of laying on my butt and watching television. I watched Julie and Julia. It was pretty amazing.
In rebellion of my lazy state, I decided to craft it up. I'm dying coffee filters to turn into paper peonies because all the Lencan pottery in my room is looking really empty.
Over and out. Let's hope tomorrow I will be venturing to school.
I can't believe I'm writing that.