November 2, 2010

I really need to shave my legs.

So, this girl hasn't been at school the past two days.

Monday was kind of a mental health day, I didn't sleep at all Sunday night and I was super sore from being cold all night. . . so I took the day off. I only planned on being late, but I thought, "What the hey. I'm not missing anything."

So, I hung out in Gary's office.

Well, karma was feeling extra sinister.

Last night I legitimately did not sleep at all because I was fighting back the urge to throw up. I lost the battle at 4:30 this morning and ran to the bathroom.

I will do all I can to not throw up. I think it's the most awful thing ever. And, in the very off chance that I actually do throw up I'm emotionally scarred for about a 24 hour period.

You may wonder why I put a photo of myself up. I don't take photos of myself, but I was playing around with my new camera. The screen flips out, so you can see. This was a result of me playing with that. I found it extremely humorous and thought I should share it.

I obviously wasn't worried about smiling or even making a normal face. I was too bust looking insanely perplexed about the flip-out screen on black and white mode.

I am so sick of laying on my butt and watching television. I watched Julie and Julia. It was pretty amazing.

In rebellion of my lazy state, I decided to craft it up. I'm dying coffee filters to turn into paper peonies because all the Lencan pottery in my room is looking really empty.

Over and out. Let's hope tomorrow I will be venturing to school.

I can't believe I'm writing that.

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