February 12, 2011

Rock the Casbah!

Front: Me, Maggie, and Rebecca
Back: Carli, Megan, Evie, Lauren, and Alayna. Win.

I've realize that this whole photo to left side of the blog doesn't really work for the layout, so I'm trying something new! Woah! I think this will look a lot better.  Also, I got the new posting thing finally and I'm not really figuring it out so well . . .

Thursday after school Rebecca and I loaded up the Focus and headed down to Evansville to visit our friends at USI (Ashley, Jalayna, Aaron, and Chris).  Twas a good time.  Jalayna took me to this awesome used book warehouse.  I slept on Ashley's couch Thursday night and Rebecca and I slept on her floor Friday night.  It was so great to spend time with her again just like old times.

This whole growing up and growing apart kinda gets me sometimes. 

I've been friends with Ashley since I was four, so having to drive two or so hours to spend time with her is a little strange, but it's fine.  We are both going different places and I'm glad that we can still pick things up where we left off when we are together.

Rebecca and I ate sooo much this weekend . . . we ate Burger King on the way down Thursday, Friday was Starbucks breakfast for me, KFC lunch for her, Olive Garden first lunch for me and second lunch for her (hahaha), Mexican for dinner, and other random things thrown in.  Today was DairyQueen, leftover mexican food, and birthday cake at Maggie's.  Excuse me while I go throw up all over the place.

Do people live like this?  I couldn't.

Maggie turned 18!  She's the one in the photo with the mass amounts of hair.

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