October 18, 2009

The two dinosaurs in love.

Friday after work I drove to the church to meet Bryan, who was home from Depauw. Lindsay Slone was sitting in the parking lot waiting for Liz and Lauren Young, so they could all go to Alabama for Meghan's wedding.

The wedding I had been dying to go to, but by some bad circumstances thought was impossible to get off work to go to.

I ended up calling Marvin to check anyway. And his lovely daughter, Elizabeth said she would cover my three and a half hour shift. She was on fall break. I told her it wasn't necessary and she should be on break, and not work. But, she wouldn't hear of it.

So, at 9:10 ish we were on our way to Nashville, Tennesse. The home of Lipscomb, and Callie Ann Starkey (who we would be spending the night with). I was ecstatic that I got the chance to go to the wedding! Elizabeth Patton is the sweetest girl in the world!

We arrived at C.A.'s house sometime between 1 and 2 A.M........I was sleepy. We left for the Decatur, Alabama the next morning for the chilly, yet lovely wedding that I was so dying to go to. Meghan Hill (now Meghan Newsom) looked so happy! I have never seen her so happy before. Ugh, it was so wonderful.

Now I am home in small-town Indiana. But, in three or so days I will be returning to Nashville, and other areas of Tennessee with the Parsley's! Tennessee is the place for me.

That was corny. I apologize.

No, actually I don't. I meant it.

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