October 9, 2009

The Not-So-Leaning Tower of Dios.

I bought some music from Itunes just now--Yiruma, an Asian pianist. I've never heard anything just flow like this before.

It's more than it really is.

It's like when you open a door and sunlight spills across the floor.

It's that refreshing laugh you haven't had in a while.

Or holding someone's hand.

Or crying after you have seen something tragically beautiful.

I feel like a lot of moments in my life have felt like Yiruma's music. Mainly, the people that surround me. Things in my family have not been the easiest, but if I just reach out a hand five take it. I have a safety net of people that mean more than they realize. They are more than just people in my life, they are holding my hand. Holding me up.

God has provided so many people that love and care for me.

A structure of strength that puts any great architectual feat to shame.

What storms dare to come up against this steel frame that so lovingly holds me together?

God is the Great Builder.


  1. That picture is from Glass Valley. Good post and good memories from taking you and Rebecca down there. :)

  2. I love you and I love your posts. You show your soul when you write. Thank you.


keep it classy, folks.