April 18, 2011

Silly sociopaths, tricks are for kids.

I wish I had more time to spend on this blog, but I just don't lately! Terribly sorry.

This past week has been a little insane! I'm in search of a new roomate now! My roomate isn't going to Lipscomb anymore, and I'm feeling a little frantic trying to find someone new. I'm sure everything will work out, but I'm still feeling a bit stressed out.

On top of that I'm working on the most ridiculous paper for ACP class ever.
It's not that it's super hard.
Or super long.
It's just super stupid.
And I have super senioritis!

I got some heels for prom and earring so big they touch my shoulders.
They heels are like a grey/silverish and peep toe with ruffles. Mmmm . . . so good.
If I started wearing things like that everyday would you still talk to me?

I got my bedspread in for college! It's great! It's from Urban Outfitters, and it's light yellow and the entire thing is ruffles. Ruffles, ruffles, ruffles. I'm such a girl. I can't stop myself.

I don't have anything particulary deep or thoughtful to write about right now.
Nope, nuffin.

You know how on Baby Momma in the beginning of the movie when the main character (whose name is escaping me right now. . .) has baby fever and she just sees babies everywhere? Yeah, I have doggie fever. I've been seeing dogs everywhere. Googling pugs. Awwing over English Bulldogs. Ohhhing over Labs. I'm going crazy. I know how Beiber fever girls feel now. Poor little pre-teens.

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