May 22, 2011

Boysmell and Girlsmell.

Most of the Senior group at church who got honored!
 We are missing Sebastian and Ryan who couldn't make it due to legitimate reasons!

We are in the final homestretch, dear readers.

I can count the days of school on one hand.


My graduation is June 3rd. You should probably come if I haven't invited you all already. Rebecca and I are having an open house at the church right after graduation. There will be tons of food, photos, and music! It can't not be a good time. That double negative was very much needed.

It will be very muchly awesome and radical. You need to come.

Right, so I'm done with high school in five days. I'm not feeling sentimental right now. I will miss a lot of people. I have a lot of great friends here and a church family that I'm going to have an extremely hard time leaving. We will see how calm I'm feeling the day of graduation. There will probably be lots of crying.

That's usually how starting new chapters in your life goes.

My brother got a g6 and it's pretty legit. If you see him you should rap the song to him. I'm sure it's already pretty annoying. And p.s. I'm talking about the car not the airplane...although I'm sure you knew that.

I went to Nashville this weekend with Beth Parsley to visit Ashley Samuel. It was so great to see her and to spend time with Beth and to spend time in the city I'm going to live in in three months. Beth and Ashley are two astounding women of God. They are such honest and loving women and if you don't know them then I feel sorry for you. And they are stinking hilarious. Just saying.

Okay, I'm about to fall asleep on the keyboard....

May 14, 2011

Are you mocking me?

No photo today, I'm afraid.
I'm on my brother's laptop! My laptop decided to completely die, so I gave it to Todd Thomas and he's going to have to completely wipe the whole thing and start over. He's a miracle worker and saved all my photos though. I've had the laptop for just a year and a couple weeks, this is uncalled for. Stupid PC, I'm going Mac.

This past week was verrryyy busy for me, I was hardly home.

I have a funny story to tell you about last Saturday: Vicky was over and she brought her friend's daughter, Gabby. Gabby is hilarious. Completely hilarious. She had Emily follow up into my bedroom and film her on her iPhone. What did she do? MTV Cribs. She said, "Welcome to my house!" (With her hand on her hip). Did I mention this girl is seven years old? Too funny! My favorite thing she said though was when Katie Thomas came over. Gabby looks at Katie and says, "How old are you? You look like a wooommaannn. Do you have a car? Can you drive? Do you have a job?"

She then walked around with Katie's Wal-Mart nametag saying, "I'm Katie!" This girl cracked me up.

I'm going sit on a swing in the backyard and read now...Senior Banquet later tonight!

May 7, 2011

*K1, p1: rep from * to end.

She loves me.

Happy Saturday Morning!
I'm sitting on my couch watching the coverage of the Indy 500 Mini-Marathon to see if I can spot anyone I know. I saw The Heatherly dad. I'm hoping to see one of the Burris clan. It makes me feel really lazy to watch a Mini-Marathon from my couch...but I'm just not a runner. I have zero-coordination...

Speaking of running: I went to the Mitchell vs. BNL track meet to see my friends Peyton, Jocelyn, Kevin, Alli, and Jill. They did so good! We have some really talented girls and boys on the track team. I was super impressed with Peyton. If' you've never seen this kid run then you are missing out. I was talking with Brett at the track meet last night and he said, "If there was a running machine, it would look like Peyton." I thought that was funny.

I have a roomate for college now! Totally for sure. It's such a relief. Her name is Taylor and she goes to camp in the summers with me. That's one less college stress to check off my list before I head to Nashville.

I picked up knitting again for the first time in a very long time. I can't put it down now. I'm knitting a really thick and really long navy blue basketweave scarf. It might be one of my favorite things I've ever made, and it's so easy! I love the basketweave stitch (or pattern...I suppose it could be considered either/or/and).

Well, I got Paris When It Sizzles for 5 dollars last night at Wal-Mart. I think I'm going to make oatmeal, pull out my knitting, and watch the ever amazing Audrey Hepburn.

May 1, 2011

You can dance if you want to.

The prom group: Jessi, Rebecca, Lily, Me, Lizzy, and Maggie!

Gun photos, Lizzy and Maggie didn't really get the memo.
Although they are doing the killshot...kinda.

We all had some pretty kickin shoes. And...don't our dresses
look really great together? So many colors!

Last night was prom! I had a really great time with the girls. As much fun as I had with a date last year, going with the girls this year was definitely the way to go. I didn't have to entertain anyone besides myself. I could dance with anyone I wanted to! (Which ended up mainly being Lizzy and Jocelyn and then Ryan S. and Ryan B. a tiny bit.)

You know what I noticed? High School kids do not like line dances. Stupid. The Electric Slide came on and it was me, Jocelyn, like ten of the dance team members, and Senora Allen dancing. The entire floor cleared out. It was silly. It started being awkward, so Jocelyn and I slipped out about the middle of the dance... Do high school kids not realize how amazing line dances are? The only pressure is learning the steps and then you are good to go after that.

This was a really good, but sleep deprived week. I slept from 1 to 6:30 today and I could still fall asleep right now. Ridiculous. Wednesday I went with Jake to see Monty Python's Spam-A-Lot at the IU Auditorium. (If I already wrote about this, skip this paragraph...). It was sooo funny. They had a song about how they couldn't put on a Broadway show because they didn't have any Jewish people. My favorite part of the song was when the main dude yelled, "Papa can you hear me?!?" terrible...but so funny. They did a song about the Lady of the Lake and the Laker Girls. Funny stuff. The musical was mainly The Holy Grail, but in musical form. They added a lot of songs too (well duh.). The Camelot song was really funny too.

Lizzy and I have all the lyrics to Busta Move memorized.
Yeah, we are so cool.

I really need to shower and think about sleeping again...Bye!