October 6, 2010

Still in the processing stage.

This has been the longest seven days of my life.

Yesterday was Ethan's funeral.

The place was packed.

They closed the casket in front of us.

That's the last memory I'm going to have of Ethan, and it's going to haunt me for a while. Kramer said that it was good to have that finality and closure, but I think I would rather remember him how he was. . .not a person being closed into a shiny casket.

I couldn't go to school after the funeral, so I ate with people at church and took a nap on Gary's couch in his office. It was a really hard day.

Oh, and to all you Neoseeker's! My friend started a memory notebook about Ethan, so if you want to add anything just post a comment. I will write it in there for you. I'm sure that it would be appreciated to have memories from people from every aspect of his life.

Well, all that said. On to other things, yeah?

Well, I'm not sure I have anything else to add.

I bombed the Calculus test today, I started to hand it to Mr. Kearn's then took it back. . .then handed it to him for real. Then we looked over it. . .bad move.

Oh shwell, it happens. Calculus is hard stuff. I'm about over limits and things. Good thing Mr. Kearns is pretty much amazing.

Glee wasn't that good either.

Wow, I have a lot of positivity going on! Okay here are three good things about my day to make up for all the pessimistic stuff:
1. Mrs. Mason brought me a salad and coffee for lunch! Twas amazing.
2. We have an epic design in works for the Art Club tee-shirts this year.
3. I took an early shower and have hardly any homework so I can get more sleep tonight.

Over and out.


  1. Hey what happened to Ethan's memorial page on facebook? Was it deleted?

  2. no, i think they set it to private because there were a lot of people putting mean and innapropriate things.
    which is really sad.


keep it classy, folks.