October 10, 2010

It's a Christmas Miracle.

Welp, this past weekend was my last Fall Retreat. As a camper, at least.

I was the second oldest camper after Darci.

How weird.

I remember my first Fall Retreat. It was freezing. And Wes and the Newburgh girls were there. I wore Gary's jacket and we had campfire because there wasn't a burn ban.

Good times.

This growing up thing is kinda weird. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm definatly a fan.

I stayed in Bethel with Rebecca, Darci, Jocelyn, Kaitlyn, and so many junior high girls. Did I ever go through that loud, obnoxious, yet strangely endearing and strangle-worthy junior high phase? I'm gonna go with a no, but I'm sure I'm lying.

Saturday during clean up time I leaned over the edge of my bunk and yelled, "Let's tell secrets and play Truth or Dare!!!" Completely kidding.

Answer I got, "OMG YES!"

I flopped back on my bunk, sighed, and napped.

I bought a Nick Jonas song today. I blame the Junior High girls. I secretly like the Junior High girls a lot, don't tell them that though. They will try to give me a make-over or talk about boys.

There was the most amazing bug on my wall last week, but I thought of it just now and thought I should share. It looked like a ginormous centipede/moth. It was real huge and had a gazillion legs and big attanae.

I didn't kill it, I'm sure it's just peruzing around my room right now. I'm gonna name it Albert unless it crawls on me, then I will name it Dead.

My Andy Warhol picture will not hang straight, it angles itself just a little off to drive me completely insane.

Ten points Warhol, but you gotta stay straight.


  1. "I'm gonna name it Albert unless it crawls on me, then I will name it Dead."

    That is (one reason) why I read this.


  2. I just want to point out that Warhol will never be straight. ;)


keep it classy, folks.