November 15, 2009

Chocolo, mi amigos!

You know what one of my favorite things in the whole world is? Getting awesome clothes for REALLY cheap.
I'm talking shirts for $4, boots for $25, belts for $3, nice pants for $11, dress for $10.

Yeah, that all happened yesterday.

I came. I conquered. I now have a lot of new outfits.


You know what else I love, and miss, and adore?

The kids in the photo.

I miss Honduras more than I can believe. You know how when you are in the car and are listening to the perfect song at the perfect moment, and then you pull up in your driveway earlier than you expect and the magical moment is over? But, you want so much for it to start back up?

I feel that way about my trip to Honduras. I loved it and then the political issues happened and I wound up in my driveway before I was ready. The song was still playing while I was in my drive-way, but it just wasn't the same. And now, I sing the song all the time hoping it will come back sooner.

Canto del personas en Honduras.

I sing of the people in Honduras.

I went to Lipscomb again Thursday and Friday. I'm so very ready to be living there!

I wearing a Lipscomb fleece pullover as I write this. And, it makes me very happy.

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