November 7, 2009

Wow, cowboy. . .green chaps aren't flattering

See this pretty girl in the photo?

Today is her birthday!

My friend's birthdays are pretty much my favorite holidays. That, and Halloween and Christmas. Well, I just really like holidays.

Last night I had a dream that I was at camp and I used some awesome karate moves to beat up a mean woman who was really tall. Then, one of my friends walked up and he had a peg leg.

I think the peg leg part came from the fact that I watched Moby Dick in English that day. I'm not sure about the karate thing. . .I guess I just had a lot of pent up anger. (JOKE)

I can't believe it's a Saturday and I don't have anything to do for a long while. I'm sitting here writing this and it's only like 9:30. I suppose I could have slept in, but that doesn't seem to happen any more in my life. Sleep seems to be a fictional character that only flies in every once in a while.

Laundry would be a good thing to do right now, but I don't feel like it's going to happen.

Five Things I'm Very Thankful For Right Now:
1. the Pre-Cal teacher
2. heat in my car
3. sweat pants and flannel button-ups
4. bottles of acrylic paint
5. lovely friends

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