April 14, 2010

I love you a box of Whoppers and a pack of Orbit.

My alarm clock is all the way across my room so I have to actually get out of bed, walk across the room, slam my palm on the snooze button, and crawl back in bed.

You think that if I actually get out of bed I wouldn't get back in.

Well, that was the general plan in placing my alarm all the way across the room. It is set at 6:30. I finally press the Off button at 7:10. That's four times of up, slam, crawl back in bed every ten minutes every week-day morning.

I realize this is ridiculous.

But, I don't plan on changing my waking patterns.

The strange thing is that I'm a morning person. I just really despise getting up in the morning for school. I'm not a fan of school. On Saturdays I get up by the latest, 9. If I sleep in later than that my entire day is thrown off.

I need motivation on school mornings to actually get up.

Motivation is coffee right now. I mean, it works. But, I know that I should have some spiritual fervor to get out of bed and take on the day with a smile. Each day is a new day! A new day to love people and take in the sunshine. As much as I want to be in heaven, I want to bless as many lives as I can. I want to really live.

And how am I blessing lives by dragging my grouchy butt out of bed and forcing myself to school? At the beginning of the school year I talked about the Loco Gringo idea, and I still stick to that. I've just lost some fire. And I need it back! I don't have long left at school (which is wonderful), but wonderousness aside I really need to stick it out with love for the people around me.

Even though I want to smack most of them. Especially the ones that blow their horns repeatedly in the morning and during lunch. There's even a General Lee horn. No joke.

God loves the horn-blowers. And I need to also!

I love you horn-blowers. Know I'm gonna wake up tomorrow morning and really try, my camo wearing schoolmates.

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keep it classy, folks.