February 26, 2010

Ring, ring! Hello?

Hey, this is non-sarcastic cynical cruel Melissa.

Normal me is back, woo!

Okay, now some non-pessimistic and uplifting thoughts on the weekend of awesome, or Winterfest.

A couple weeks ago I picked up the book Lies Young Women Believe for the second time. I wanted to dive deeper into the scripture it gives, rather than just reading it.

Anyway the book lists lies that Satan throws at us that BLIND us from the truth, such as: no one loves you, you are not good enough, you aren't pretty, etc.

Okay, get the tie in? Things we are blinded by? The theme of Winterfest was the Veil.

When I picked up the book I didn't know the theme of Winterfest yet.

Is this a major hint that I need to figure out what is blinding me from the truth about my life?

What things are keeping me from realizing what God really thinks, and how things really are?

Is it that I'm super distracted about my negative feelings toward J-Wall? Joke.

He does say some pretty good stuff sometimes. The sticky hand story is pretty good, I will admit.

Oh, and was anyone as confused as I was about David Skidmore? I can't believe there are two David Skidmores running around talking at youth rallies. It's pretty schweet. I like listening to both Skidmores.

Okay, over and out.

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