May 29, 2010

B-9. You sunk my battleship.

No photo today, I'm afraid. I'm not on my laptop....I left it at school in the art room so Mrs. Mason took it home for me so it wouldn't get stolen.

I'm glad I'm friends with her.

This is the second night in a row of mini-Glee marathons. Oh, Finn and Artie. Kurt and Puck.

For some reason I've been insanely sleepy for the past couple days. I feel like I could sleep for a million years and I still wouldn't be fully awake. I napped today and yesterday, and that just doesn't happen normally. Only at IMPACT. I sleep everyday at camp too. And when I'm in a car and I don't drive I sleep.

Okay, so I sleep a lot. But not really a lot a lot. Just a lot but not in a habitual sort of way. Well, unless you count at night. I don't think that counts, everyone sleeps at night. And if they don't (Gary Spear) they should. And then you get up in the morning and drink the average 2.5 cups of coffee and you are good to go.

For some reason I've really wanted to sing the Church of Christ "theme" song and twice Gary has put it in the Sunday Line-Up for me. And the first time I cried. And now I'm not thinking about it so I don't cry. I suppose writing about it counts as thinking about it.

Okay, no more writing.

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keep it classy, folks.