September 4, 2009

Influenza Porcina

I'm slipping into a sugar induced coma right now. Never let me convince you into going on a late night candy run. Even if I say that I've been craving candy corn all day. Really, though. I'm pretty sure I ate enough candy corn and those silly orange slice things to kill someone.

Thanks, Slone. (But really, thanks for going along with my sugary needs.)

I started knitting some purple fingerless gloves with and owl cable on the front of them. The pattern I used was screwy, so I'm going to frog it (undo it) and start again my way.

Tomorrow I'm going to an art fair with some of my favorite people in the world. Then, bonfire at Rebecca's house with more of my favorite people in the world. Saturdays are delightful.

And you know what I very thankful for? God put my birthday and labor day on the same day this year. Why is that so special you ask yourself? Two words: no school. school on the birthday.

I let my hair do it's own thing tonight after I took an early shower. It got so big that my shadow looks like I'm wearing a helmet, or maybe a spacesuit. I'm actually quite impressed. It wins the award for most unintentional afro of the day. Ten points, hair. Ten points.

I couldn't figure out how to open a graphing calculator today. If I can't get the silly lid off, how in the world do they expect me to do actual math and things on it? Graphing calculators are made especially to make sad little Pre-Calculas people cry and throw things. It's a true story.

My current art project right now is a pastel of an old Irish man sitting on a stone wall.

There is an industrial sized germ-ex in all the class rooms so we don't all die from the flu of the swine.

H1N1 is upon us all.

I'm really trying not to laugh.

Trying really hard.

And failing really bad.

Epidimics aren't funny, Melissa....

1 comment:

  1. Your afro shadow made me laugh out loud!
    Love you!


keep it classy, folks.