September 18, 2009

The Skeksis and The Mystics and Two Gelflings

I've been listening to the Steve of many Wonders in my car. And, at home I listen to some random songs I bought until I get my ipod back. They include MIKA, Regina Spektor, Imogen Heap, and I'm ashamed to say....the Mamma Mia soundtrack. Shun me if you must.

I think I might watch the Dark Crystal for the millionth time before I go to sleep.

I read the Secret Life of Bees finally, therefore I can watch the movie now. It's a cute book, kind of strange in some parts...but that might be why I like it.

I also went to see The Time Traveler's Wife last weekend. The movie was really good, it was a lot like the book. The book was really raunchy, though. I'm not a fan of that. The movie wasn't bad in that aspect, the raunch was kept to a minimum. Props to the director.

My dad told me to stop making the coffee so strong because he can't even handle it. I told him to stop being a wimp and drink it like a man. He didn't find it as funny as I did.

I fell asleep on the couch for a little while, and when I woke up the stock market channel was on. No wonder I fell asleep......stocks=the most boring market of all markets. I love farmer's markets, flea markets, etc. Stock markets not so much.

My current project: I'm turning an old text book into a sculptural book. I'm cutting a square out of the middle of a lot of pages so it makes like a secret place to put things. Then, I'm going to decorate the outside of the textbook in Jane Austen theme--with flowers and vintageness. It's gonna be a good time. Plus, I just really like turning a stupid old Personal Finance book into something artsy and happy.

Take that stock market. Even your silly little books aren't safe.

I got a whole bunch of free books from the library:

-The Philippines' Fight for Freedom
-Make Your Own Professional Movies
-Knickenbocker's History of New York
-Six Who Dared
-Journey Through the Land of Eloquent Silence
-The Land and People of Chile
-Mother India's Children


  1. 1) I own the movie The Secret Life of Bees. You say when and we can watch it. It is good.

    2) The stock market it boring. And you made me smile with that.

    3) I need to borrow this book about making your own professional movies.

  2. number a) of course. i say the soonlier the better.

    b)yay smiling! it's a lovely thing to do.

    c)i got it with you in mind, then decided it looked cool on my bookshelf. oh the selfishness of me. hehe

  3. And Melissa..............I want your art from the festival..........I LOVE IT!!!! WOuld you be interested in selling it when the festival is over??? You are very talented and I want to snatch it up before you are famous!!


keep it classy, folks.