January 3, 2011

Jack Hodgins Rocks.

Hey Happy Not 2010 Anymore!

Is it good for you that it's over?

I'm gonna miss it, starting from May 2010.

I'm really pumped about this new year though because it is the year that this kid graduates. Hoorah! Speaking of graduation, tomorrow and Wednesday are my second to last pair of high school finals ever (bahhh, so great).

My Christmas break was really great. I swore my body was being pulled by an invisible source back towards my house when I walked into the double doors at good ol' high school this morning.

I was rather busy the entire break and somehow I still managed to watch the whole first season of Bones and twelve episodes of the second season. That's thirty flipping four episodes of Bones. Can you believe that? My mind must be completely melted. I loved it, though. I don't feel like I missed anything with anyone or was cooped up in the house. Maybe I have super powers.

Eh, that's only slightly likely . . . I haven't been bit by a radioactive spider, my parents are humans, and I'm not aware of having an arch-nemesis.

If I had to have any super power I would want invisiblity. It would be amazing to go places, hear things, see things, and be with people without anyone ever realizing you were there. I would hate to read minds because you would never really know what was going to be thought. People are hard enough to deal with when you don't know their every thought, I don't want the added pressure of knowing every little thing that crosses their mind.

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