September 23, 2010

The Case Study

There's this thing about shaving your legs called sometimes you cut your leg.

You feel it slice your leg and there's this moment of suspension when you look at your leg wondering if it's going to bleed a river or not.

You wait that painful few seconds. . .and then. . .

Yep. I'm bleeding. Fail.

Good thing I got the coupon for Band-Aids at CVS the other day.

This week is the Persimmon Festival week here in the Metropolis of a town I live in.
Not to be cruel, but. . .oh . . .how do I say this?

People really crawl out of their holes. Yeah, that wasn't so nice. But really, I see people that I didn't know existed here. Very interesting people.

Some good things about the Persimmon Festival: persimmon pudding, watching the square dancing old people in the parade, counting mullets, and Caroline is coming up!

My fish is still alive.

I'm so glad that it is becoming fall time. I love fall.

Mind you, it's still over 90 degrees outside here. . .but we can pretend.

Here's some things I love about fall:
-Chilly mornings drinking coffee curled in a ball on the couch
-Thick sweaters
-Sitting close to the people next to you at Fall Retreat while singing at campfire
-Persimmon pudding (second reference. . .)
-Skinny jeans and boots with thick socks I most likely got from the drawer in my dad's room
-Pumpkin Spice Latte
-The leaves looking like they are on fire
-Seeing your breath when you first leave your house in the morning
-Slouchy knit berets, scarves, and fingerless gloves
-My yearly reading of Harry Potter
-The crunch of leaves as you walk (or jump) on them

-Halloween, of course! (get ready for our costumes, it's gonna be epic)
-Oh, did I say scarves yet?

-Wait, how about scarves. . .have I said that?
-I got another one- scarves!

Ah, good night.

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