January 1, 2010

2000+10=This New Year

2010. . .craziness.

Complete annual insanity.

2009 was such an eventful year for me:

-A new blog
-Two weeks of church camp
-5 youth rallies
-At least 6 trips to Lipscomb
-13 episodes of Glee
-Two new pairs of TOMS
-2 seasons of So You Think You Can Dance
-At least 30 pizzas made with my best friends
-Many many new friends
-A new job, that I love
-Going on a mission trip to a new country
-Having to leave the country for political reasons
-Falling completely in love with the people and the country
-Falling down at least 100 times
-Getting back up at least 100 times
-17 new paintings done in acrylic
-One lovely wedding in Alabama
-Finding out that I'm actually not that bad at math
-A coffee addiction that grew stronger
-A seventeenth birthday
-Finding out that I'm stronger than I thought
-Going to see the Nutcracker for the second time
-A million hugs
-Taking an interest in photography
-Enough naps to last a lifetime
-Two new cats: Mold and Small Cat
-One whole filled up diary
-Enough Starbucks to fill Lake Michigan
-Three Parsley family vacations to Tennessee
-One unfortunate vacation to Florida
-Around 20 candles burned
-One art festival
-A million moments of feeling loved
-A never ending need for my God

2009 was more than anything I can ever write in statistics, numbers, charts, or paragraphs.

It was a year of everything, and I will always cherish it. I don't mean to get mushy or anything, but it was a year from God. I learned so much about love, humanity, and how to get back up after I fall down. How to brush the dirt of my knees and go at it again.

My God is a God of a million chances, and a million new years.

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