December 17, 2010

Ambiguity in endings.

Due to icy roads it is officially the start of our Christmas break.

Don't get me wrong, I adore snow days . . . but having to come back after three weeks and take a calculus final kinda makes me angry. It's going to be hard enough as it is!

It's like our town doesn't know how to use snowplows. Don't they know we don't want to be going to school into June? Again?

Anyway, on a happy note. All of my Christmas shopping is done (well, except for my Dad's stocking stuff). I can't wait to give everyone everything. I really like playing the role of Santa.

I'm reading The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield for the second time this school year. I hate how people who read a good book immediately decide it's their favorite. After reading Pride and Prejudice three times and the zombie version once and spending much time thinking about it I might say it is my favorite book. That not a commitment though. I'm saying this because this book, The Thirteenth Tale is one of those books that completely sucks me in. So much so that I completely lost touch with reality.

That's why I want to say that those books are my favorite.

The books that are so compelling that you start thinking like the book and totally forget yourself. I'm not saying I like the escapism, I like the other perspective.

I'm sure you've already thought of this.

Right, I'm going to go read and drink coffee and read and drink more coffee and shower for the first time in three days.

What? I haven't left my house since Wednesday and I took a shower Tuesday night.

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