August 30, 2010

Cold Coffee.

Yesterday and today I have been so tired, so I just curled up and took a nap.

I wish I was good at napping, but I'm not.

So those naps turned into two hour naps.

Which means tonight my sleep is also going to turn into a nap.


I'm not an expert on politics, or even remotely devoted to watching and learning and caring. . .but I do watch the news every morning.

And I have been seeing so much Glenn Beck it makes me angry. First he pulls "the president's a racist" stunt, and now a overly religious "honor restoring" rally? I know that Glenn Beck really likes Glenn Beck. And now Glenn Beck really loves Jesus too. And this whole thing just feels wrong. Is that fair? Who knows.

Ugh, whatever. I never get fired up about political stuff. . .but this guy really grates on me.

I'm done ranting. What is ranting worth without action or help attached anyway?

I have more time consuming ACP homework, I suppose that I should start on.

But, I won't yet.

Just so you know.

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