August 11, 2010

Wazzup Diary?

I've been collaging and mod podging my binders and my planner all day.

I put a collage of photos from my summer, especially Honduras, on my locker door.

I'm convinced that if I make all my school supplies and my locker and things look happy and remind me of summer then I might not be as miserable when I'm there.

Rebecca spent the night last night and we pulled out my 5th grade journal...ahhh it was muy hilarioso.

Not only was I boy crazy, but I was majorly A.D.D.
I will write some of the entries, because they are too good not to share.
Okay here's a good one:

February 28th, 2005 (I was in sixth grade.)

Today was an okay day. Kinda boring. I love writing in a diary. It gives me a chance to tell my every thought but no one hears. Like I can tell a secret like I used to be scared of the fat dalmation, Rolley, on 101 dalmations.


Okay here's another fun one:

May 3rd, 2005

Wow, I haven't written in a month! Well, here it goes- I'm writing a book, it's about 1/2 way done, my choir concert is coming up really soon, we are moving into a house in town at mom's, school is out in two weeks, we went camping, I watched that new movie Finding Neverland with Johnny Depp and it made me cry in front of my family, Chad Michael Murray got married, we opened up our pool and it was green, our cat had kittens, I got sea monkeys, well I've had them for a while and they are really cool, and that's all I can think of right now. Oh, well.


Yes, that was all one sentence.
Oh, the things that are important to a twelve year old.......
I was a really deep sixth grader.

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