August 13, 2010

Feliz cumpleanos a ti!

Okay, I have some very exciting news!

Are you ready? Okay here it goes!

This is my 100th post!

Wait, that's not all! This is also the one year birthday of my blog! The 100th post on the one year birthday of my blog, how exciting is that? Ah, I'm so excited!

I feel like I should be offering prizes or something! You know how they do at stores and things? Are hugs okay? That's about all I got right now....but who doesn't love hugs?

And I feel like I should do something special for that Tanmoy kid, who got me started on this whole blog business. And for Tanmoy I have got...gratitude! Thank you Tanmoy!

Anyway, on with life, aye? But really, this is exciting.

Yesterday was the youth group boat trip! Great fun to be had. Well, for some people will understand if you go.

We load up in the church van and head to Patoka Lake at 7:30 A.M.

We rent what they call a Party Barge (which cracks me up). It's a two story pontoon with a slide. And a jank bathroom no one uses.

Some people swam, we grilled, and played Apples to Apples. Good stuff, I'm telling you.

I put on enough sunscreen to kill a woodland creature....mehhh...the downfalls of a pasty complexion. You can see my white light for miles, it's true.

Amazon has a ton of free music right now. Good stuff too, like Sister Hazel, The Benjy Davis project, A Merge Records compilation...and soo much more. There's nothing better than free stuff, especially free music that is actually good.

You really should jump on this opportunity.

I'm about to head to Bloomington with my brother and his silly friend Ryan to do some school shopping. For Avery, this consists of American Eagle tee-shirts that all look the same to me, Underarmor socks and undershirts, and Hollister cologne.

It cracks me up how different girls and boys are.

When I shop for clothes it is definitely billboard advertisement shirts from over priced places and sportswear....

Okay, I'm gonna head out.


1 comment:

  1. well happy birthday to your blog Miss Wilson.

    And thank you for the gratitude. haha. yeah, i may have told you to start the blog. but you persisted. that's something you did on your own. we tell a lot of people to do a lot of things, how many follow it through and through? think about it. thank yourself dear. : )

    keep blogging. i check pretty frequently anyway to see what new shenanigans you've been upto. : )


keep it classy, folks.